Peshewa District

Faith Renken- Peshewa District Executive

Peshewa District serves Grant, Howard, Miami and Wabash Counties

Peshewa District Contacts

District Executive – Faith Renken – 765-271-4053

District Chair: Vacant

District Commissioner: Vacant

Membership Chair: Marie Harvath

Friends of Scouting Chair: Vacant

Popcorn Chair: Vacant

Program Chair: Lori Owens

Activities Chair: Vacant

Advancement Chair: Nim vorbroker

Camping Chair: Vacant

Training Chair: Jim Riddle

Nominating Chair: Vacant

Marketing Chair: Vacant

ScoutReach Committee: Vacant

Round Table Commissioner: Matt Kerns

Eagle Scout Board Chair: Scott Walter

Eagle Scout Project Approval: Mark Bradford

Peshewa Roundtable Schedule
1st Wednesday of every month @ 6:30PM @ The Hingst Service Center (518 N. Main St., Kokomo)
*Reminder: Roundtables are open to everyone! Please join us and see what is going on around the council!

District Committee

District Committee meetings are at 6:30pm
at the Hingst Service Center, 518 N Main Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
3rd Wed of every month

Eagle Scout Board of Review Dates

Peshewa Eagle Boards are scheduled to take place before each month’s District Committee meeting.

Access Guidelines to Eagle Life Statement

Be In The Know!

To see the latest Scouting activities in the Peshewa District and the Sagamore Council, please visit our Facebook page by clicking here 

To access to our Google Drive featuring pictures, applications, event information, click here

Service Hours

It is important that all service hours performed by Scouts this year are recorded properly. Service hours can be submitted in several ways, the easiest being via the Sagamore Council website – click on “Submit Service Hours” button on the home page.

Court of Honor / Blue and Gold Dates

Leaders – Have you submitted your Blue and Gold or Court of Honor dates yet? These are the best opportunities to have your unit’s Family Friends of Scouting presentation, as we know that it is when the most of your parents will be present. Family Friends of Scouting is a critical part of our council support initiative and is a key element in your unit earning free camping, rank advancement, and more!  Making a contribution  to Scouting ensures the success of the program and helps sustain Scouting for the future.